Low Level Laser Therapy

Low Level Laswer Therapy
A new modality in lymphoedema management, Low Level Laser Therapy is thought to facilitate the development of lymphatic and vascular vessel regeneration (increase the lymphatic network) and to increase lymph vessel diameter and contractility (improving lymphatic flow).

Low Level Laser Therapy has a specific local effect on cells such as macrophages activating the immune system, reducing infection and improving healing, the local effects of the softening of scars and indurated tissues also improving lymphatic drainage.

Early studies of Low Level Laser Therapy have demonstrated a microscopic and macroscopic enhancement of oedema reabsorption.

Low Level Laser Therapy is painless, non- invasive and does not burn tissue.

Low Level Laser Therapy has recently become FDA approved.
Twycross, Jenns & Todd (2000) Lymphoedema . Published by Radcliff Medical Press, Oxan ,United Kingdom.